Gracie’s Grumpy Grandma:A Picture BookIllustrated by Tina Bryant and Frankie Song
In this tongue twister of a book, Gracie’s grandma is grumpy. The grass is not green. The white goat is gray, and Gracie knows why. Read along with this tongue twister as Gracie solves the problem and Grandma grins again. Additional pages give a lesson on writing tongue twisters.
Gretchen Griffith is a former teacher who taught tongue twisters to her students using word play and alliteration that she employed in this picture book. When her own grandchildren began calling her Granny Gretchen, she knew it was time to bring out the not-so-Grumpy Grandma and write this delightful book.
How much grass can a grasshopper hop when a grasshopper hops in grass?
Grumpy Grandma’s gray goat grumbled and growled.Gray grouse, stray mouse, go inside and play house.