Copyright 2023 ©
You might not be able to tell a book by its cover, but you can tell this author by what surrounds her desk.
Three indispensable tools Gretchen has that she wishes upon every writer:
A muse
This ever present Writing Muse from
critique partner Teresa hangs beside me
every morning as I eat breakfast and
prepare myself for the day.
"I like the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions." James Michener
A picture is worth a thousand words, but you'll have to roll your cursor over this one to find them.
There are hot spots on the photo below, move your mouse over any of them and a pop up will appear with more
information about that area of my desk. There is one small hidden gem in the photo... see if you can find it.
The words of wisdom:
Don't be afraid of your own voice! Any powerful historical account has a narrator weaving
through it, negotiating and bringing to life all kinds of personalities. A story catcher still
has to extract the story to get it out of her net. From a wise sage who advised her, now
passed along from Gretchen to you, her visitors
Gretchen's Work Space
A supportive, yet honest critique group
Left to right, Me, Teresa, Sandra, Deb,
aka, Soup Critique Group
Other pottery on top shelf, inherited from my mother, as are the fragile
glass birds in flight above the golf pictures.
Mug with spider, from a Soup
Critique Group partner, Sandra
with a WIP about a spider. And
a Mardi Gras pencil in the
Goddess mug, both gifts from
Deb, a Soup Group member
writing historical mystery set in
New Orleans.
Barely visible on the wall, a snapshot of
me autographing my first published
Highlights article for my critique partner.
The outline for a WIP (Work in Progress) tentatively named Black
You found it! Inside the ear of the spider mug, my husband, posing for a
picture at Southern Pines Golf Course. (I'm a golfer, too, but not as
The earphones for my Dragon Speak program that
can't understand my southern accent.
Taped in plain sight, surrounding me for inspiration, quotes,
quotes, and more quotes that get me through the day and
remind me that though I am alone, I am not alone,
something every writer needs to remember.
A sampling:
2 Mistakes only: Not beginning. Not ending.
… is a wonderfully fluent writer, weaving telling details and
vivid anecdotes seamlessly into his narrative…
Don't let anything keep you from your book!
Then we can get the personalities, with the flavoring.
The Snick
Cassette recorder number four (one, two
and three bit the dust during my three
years of interviews and transcribing)
My seven year old granddaughter's first book, "gardon Book" illustrated,
stapled, and gifted to me. This is why I write.
Spiderman and ME!! This photo
makes everybody jealous. Me,
too, since I was thin back then!
My heritage, a camel from Winston-Salem, Pennsylvania Dutch/Amish
characters, a long ago dried up snow globe from my trip to Yellowstone in
high school with my best friend Inez and family.